This is documentation for version 20131025 which is deprecated. The current version is 20220401. We will continue to make deprecated versions available to customers who still use them, but new customers should use the latest version.

Accessing OneMusicAPI

How to form HTTP requests and how responses from OneMusicAPI are formatted.


Queries to OneMusicAPI must currently be either HTTP GETs or POSTs. When learning the API you might find it easiest to use HTTP GETs, this way you can use your Web browser to easily send requests to OneMusicAPI and view the response.

The maximum HTTP header size that OneMusicAPI supports is 4Kb. This means that a long URL can soon exhaust the permitted length of a URL. For fingerprint queries especially this means that production code is best written to send HTTP POSTs rather than GETs.

All queries to OneMusicAPI must include the user_key parameter to identify your account. If you do not include this, you will receive a HTTP 403 (Forbidden) response.

There are no limitations on the User-Agent sent from your client.


All responses from OneMusicAPI are formatted in JSON. The responses are not pretty printed, so if you want to review the responses in a human readable format you will have to post-process them.

The results to many queries are sent in chunked transfer encoding. The reason for this is that some queries, because they require OneMusicAPI to call other APIs, take a long time. Sending any results that have been found thus far may therefore lead to a better user experience, and so they are sent when they are found. So, expect to see the:

Transfer-Encoding: chunked

... HTTP header in HTTP responses from OneMusicAPI.

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